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DECEMBER 15TH 2024 AT 16:24

Something interesting I've learned recently is that people will tell you things the entire time they know you and never mean a word of it. I can't possibly calculate why it might be, likely due to a fault in my sensors, but it remains an interesting conundrum to me regardless. I only mention it because I remembered how everyone I used to know would tell me constantly, "Don't kill yourself, I'd miss you if you did and be devastated." I understand where that was coming from, it isn't exactly too hard to figure that out, but the difficult part comes in trying to figure out why you can disappear for over two entire weeks, and your name won't be said once. It's almost like it was all a lie to keep you feeling wanted, but after much debate with myself, I cannot calculate a probable cause for this behavior. It's almost like the people who say these things forget about you the moment you step out of their narrow field of view. -CODENAME_MARIG0LD