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MARCH 14TH AT 04:28

I haven't had much interesting about recently. My life has kind of stagnated. Not knowing what to do about college education or how the hell to even get out of this Nazi Nightmare when the time comes scares me. I wish I could go back to when I knew how to talk to people, and could surround myself with constant positivity. Now I struggle to even find my place among those I stood with before and I feel so terrible because nobody seems to like me. Even if just one person called me pretty without being prompted it would probably change my life drastically. Which is pathetic. I don't know what really has happened with my life but I really wish it didn't change the way it did. But I guess that is what happens when you push away the people close to you and unintentionally isolate yourself from the entire fucking universe.-Does anybody even read this? Does anybody know my name?