It was noted that some of our newer trainees were not finding our terminology here at [REDACTED] as clear, concise, and understandable, so below is a list of common terms explained at a surface level.
- Subject: This is a term we use here at [REDACTED] to denote whoever the file you are reading is referring to. If it is multiple persons, it will be "Subjects" ***NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH POSSESSIVE "Subject's"***
- Fleshwelder: One of the paths our lead researchers can go down, these will often be more STALWART individuals who can handle a gruesome situation, as it will be most of their work. Fleshwelders are responsible for building the Gorehulks (SEE BELOW) and maintaining their Machine Spirit. (SEE BELOW)
- Gorehulk: Gorehulks are the pride and joy of [REDACTED], These machines are typically of huge stature, filling many of the rooms of lower levels of the [REDACTED] facility. Gorehulks are given their name due to their huge size, and integration of biological flesh. This accounts for some minor side effects like a maintained minimal consciousness. (SEE; MACHINE SPIRIT)
- Machine Spirit: Machine Spirit is present in all machines that use biological flesh here at [REDACTED]. Gorehulks are typically the first thing mentioned when Machine Spirit is of concern. Machine Spirit needs to be maintained by Senior Fleshwelders here at [REDACTED], of which there are 16 on staff, located in the upper level permanent residences.
- Spirit Maintenance: Spirit Maintenance is the maintenance of the Machine Spirit, done by Senior Fleshwelders, who have built a bond up with the machines. It is normal for them to be rather "Eccentric" about their machines, of which they are connected with. Remember, the machines are not alive, despite what the fleshwelders claim. It is merely a side effect of dealing long-term with the Gorehulks. REMINDER: If you see an unchecked maintenance light on a machine, report it to your supervisor IMMEDIATELY to get one of the Senior Fleshwelders to maintain it immediately.
Doctor Brunell. Lead Scientist at [REDACTED]