You may have been made aware recently of the AI-Powered Mainframe Project (APMP) we have been working on here at [REDACTED] for awhile if you are of a higher security level. Recently, the APMP Main prototype has been implemented for a test phase in the facility. Be sure to report any erratic behaviours and erroneous data entries added by the mainframe, as we cannot predict how its behaviours will be, given that the "Intelligence" of the Mainframe was taken from a willing human participant who was going to die anyways. Right now, until the behaviour subroutines of the Mainframe and "Emotions" are tweaked and made to be more predictable and less of a potential risk to staff, It has not been given any control over any physical elements of the facility. If you feel threatened, just call your supervisor and report the incident, the Intelligence team will work on it as soon as possible.
Doctor Mendeleev. Lead Intelligence Researcher at [REDACTED]